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File Sharing

File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books.

What Is File Sharing?

Our File Sharing Features For Your Needs

Manage file sharing configuration

Next Cloud

Manage file sharing configuration is a feature in file sharing services that allows users to control how files are shared. This can include setting permissions for who can access files, how long files can be shared, and whether files can be downloaded or only viewed.


Add/delete user account

Next Cloud

Adding and deleting user accounts in a file sharing service is a basic but important task that allows you to control who has access to your files.To add a user account, you will need to provide the user's name, email address, and password. To delete a user account, you will need to provide the user's email address.


Integrated with active directory

Next Cloud

Active Directory integration in file sharing services allows you to use your existing Active Directory user accounts and groups to authenticate users and control access to files. This can simplify user management and improve security.


Additional storage file sharing

Next Cloud

Additional storage file sharing in file sharing service refers to the ability to store files in a file sharing service that is separate from your local storage. This can be useful if you need to store large files or if you want to share files with others who do not have access to your local storage.


Troubleshooting file sharing

Next Cloud

This is a process of identifying and resolving problems that prevent users from accessing files. This can be a complex process, as there are many factors that can affect file sharing, such as network connectivity, permissions, and file formats.


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