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Replication Service

Replication Service is a system that copies data from one location to another. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to improve performance, availability, or reliability.

What Is Replication Service

Our Replication Service Features For Your Needs

Create job Replication



Create Job Replication in replication service is a process that creates a new job to replicate data from one location to another. And this includes following steps like define the source and destination locations, define the replication rule, and start the replication job


Doing test failover and live failover



Test failover in a job replication service is a non-disruptive operation that allows you to test the failover process without affecting your production environment. And Live failover is a disruptive operation that switches your production environment to the secondary site.


Create report failover



This is a process in eplication service that creates a new report to track the status of a failover operation. This can be useful for troubleshooting failover problems and for ensuring that failover operations are successful.


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